Monday, September 24, 2007

Benefit Of Study Group

What Is Study Group?

Study group is small group of people sit or met together regularly to share their field of study or discuss something.The reason to make study group is to learn.Next,they want to full their time with something benefit.The final one is to improve their tolerant,communication and social skills.These group is actually find in school and companies.Group study resisted by student until they are exposed to understand and experiences its benefits.Group study is involves sharing idea and a willingness to be active group participant.Such study enhance student study social skills,study group helps booster student confident and helps student practise to work together and make all group member understand.Group study requires student articulate what they know to understand the group member.It also help the fellow members to easy understand the members idea.Its also help to sharpen communication skills among the members.Its can help when we speak with strangers or interview.Learning quality of study group can help them when they have to face the work era.In the work arenas,it important work as team is demanded to make successful plan or project.

Conclusion,group study is rewarding when it functioning well.Group work is needed when someone need idea and feedback from desired members are needed.I recommend students seek out classmates and form a
serious [but fun] study group. Your learning will improve with a
quality study group; you will learn more this way, will learn more quickly, and will retain more of what you learn.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

GreenHouse Effect

The greenhouse effect is the process in which emission of infrared radiation by the atmosphere warms a planet surface.The names are comes from an analogy with the warming of air inside a greenhouse compared to the air outside the greenhouse.The earth's average surface temparature is about 33 degree celcius.Its will be warmer than it would be without the greenhouse effect.Carbon dioxide production from increased industry activity and other human activities has increased the carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere.Because it is greenhouse gas,evalated of carbon dioxide will increase global mean temperature.
On the scale of decades,the increased of carbon dioxide result from interaction of the atmosphere and ocean.Current studies indicate thethe radiative forcing by greenhouse gases is the primary cause of climate changes.We must protect our earth because it where get birth and for our future son.The changes can destroy our lovely and greenish earth.Whatever law the United Nation has arranged such Kyoto Protocol,but not all the country will follow the rules.They only kow their on need and become selfish.For the conclusion,we must try to save our earth.No Aerosol.Change to Nature...No petrol.....Promote Biodiesel...

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Silat-The Malaysian Heritage

From wikipedia,silat or pencak silat is a southeast Asian martial art with it comes from the malays root.This art is widely known in Malaysia,Indonesia,Thailand,The Philippine,Brunei and Singapore.It also can found in Cambodia and Laos in varying degrees among the Malays afflicted communities.The art is also reached Europe especially in The Netherlands.It is estimated that there are hundreds of styles and thousands of schools teach about silat.Many of the styles is observation from the characteristics of animal such as tiger,snake,eagle and such other examples.

Seni silat is based in four parts.To be simplified,silat is based in culture,self defense,weaponry and sport.From the observations,silat is god for health,mental and spirituals.Pencak silat is aims to build and develop personalities,Nobel character and honour,just like other martial arts.Silat is well known to self defence.Since silat is one of the martial arts,its can use to protect us from the strangers or criminals.Its also can improve our self confidence and perseverance skill.From the culture and arts parts,we know that to arts performing is important to silat.This combines silat with traditional music and costumes.for the final parts,silat is based in sport.This means that the physical aspects is important in this martial arts.

Like any others martial arts,silat use a weapon along with human body.Examples of the weapon is keris(dagger),pedang(sword),machete,javelin,sticks and others.For the conclusion,everyone must know al least one martial arts to protect themselves or to make their more discipline.It also can improve our confidence if with social with community and can found many of friend.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Social Changes

What Is Social Changes?

In general terms,social changes can link or refers to change in nature,the social institutions the social behaviour or the relations of a society,community people or other social structures.
In other way,its can refer to any event or action that affects group or individuals that have shares values and characteristic.In subjective way,we can defined its as acts as advocacy for the cause of changing societies in a normative way.

In Malaysia,we can see that many teenagers have done many social problem like vandalism and bad thing.All the teenagers do not know social problem is link to their attitudes.This thing maybe happen because their pressure and don't know how to lost all that thing.The best thing that good for them is smoking.Nowadays,smoking is the way to release the pressure.But now,smoking is define as the social problem by the government.We can see 10-years children smoking in public place.That way the government thing social problem among the teenagers should be reduce because teenagers and children is key to successful country in the future.